Developed by eFe Muñoz ( with the support of Alexander Kiryanow )
3- Tools and views
3.1- Object mode
3.2- Point mode
3.3- Add Path Mode
3.4- Draw Path
3.5- Paint Brush
3.6- Text
3.7- Null Object Mode
3 Tools and views
F1 Object Mode
F2 Point mode
F3 Add path mode
F4 Draw path
F5 Paint Brush
F6 Add elipse (círculo + May)
F7 Add rectangle (rectángulo + May)
F8 Texto
F9 Null object mode
F10 Pick mode
Menu View > Views
(numeric keypad)
«+»: Zoom in
«-» : Zoom Out
“0”: Fit view to window
“C”: Clip to scene
“1”: Original canvas size
ZOOM : Mouse center wheel
MOVER view: middle mouse button / right mouse button
3.1 Object Mode
Shortcut F1
With this tool you can select and move objects or groups. If you want them to move in a straight line press X for horizontal and Y for vertical.
There is also a specific tool for moving. Shortcut G.
You can select objects in two ways:
– Make a rectangular selection with left mouse click and without releasing scroll diagonally.
– Press Shift and select
Then drag them to move.
Pivot global local
In the playback menu bar you will find this icon.
When switching to local mode, a new temporary pivot (green) will appear, allowing local modifications to be made without having to change the position of the global pivot (yellow).
When returning to global mode the local (green) pivot is reset to the global pivot position.
3.2 Point mode
With this tool you can modify the points of a Path.
Shortcut F2
You can also directly deform its segments.
Once two points of a segment have been selected, the segment can be modified with the menu icons.
Two icons with this tool appear in the Timeline playback bar.
The first one allows to temporarily modify the axes of the selected nodes.
The second one allows to show and hide the visibility of nodes and handlers.
3.3 Add Path Mode
Shortcut F3
Create Paths to generate shapes or paths of other elements.
Paths can be grouped by Ctrl+K and ungrouped by Ctrl+May+K.
Unfortunately, Boolean operations on animated plots, by definition, cannot be done well for plots with a non-linear interpolation.
You can use Add mode to make the grouped paths share the outer path. Follow this example:
1.- Draw the head and limbs of the octopus.
2.- Select all objects and assign them the same path and fill and with all selected press Ctrl+K.
3.-A single composite layout will be created.
4.-Now in the properties of the selected object (the general path), display «paths» and set them to Add mode.
3.4 Draw Path
Shortcut F4
This tool draws freehand with a little softness.
Each stroke becomes an object.
If you want to modify a group of strokes by grouping them (Ctrl + G), you can also change their thickness and stroke color.
You can modify the drawn paths with the F2 tool.
On the arrow icon you can switch to automatic adjustment.
In automatic adjustment mode the cogwheel icon appears and allows you to vary the max error value. Examples of rectangles drawn with the mouse are shown below:
The Smooth value indicates how much the corners are rounded when drawing.
3.5 Paint brush
Shortcut: F5
The brush palette does not appear by default ! open it in Menu View > Paint brush
The slow-ink brush is very interesting for drawing as it produces a delay and allows drawing with a better pulse.
So does the Ramon brush > Delayed
You can create a group of bookmarks by right-clicking on the desired frame > Bookmarks. The «bookmarked» brushes will appear in a new «Bookmarks» tab and in the workspace at the top left. You can also make colored Bookmarks.
When you start painting, new help icons appear at the bottom of the canvas.
1. | Activate the brush palette |
2. | Activate the color palette. (with right click you can create color bookmarks) |
3. | Brush thickness |
4. | Activates onion paper (animation) |
5. | Use brush |
6. | Use eraser |
7. | Lock alpha |
8. | Fill with color (Colorize). Does not go out of shape. |
9. | Move |
10. | Trim. (Also removes an inner frame) |
3.6 Text
Shortcut F8
To create a text block click with the tool on the Scene, a text box will appear for typing.
To modify a text box in the Scene:
– Double click on the text.
– Or right-click on the text > Set text…
To delete a text object right click on it > Actions > Delete.
By displaying the text attributes you can modify and animate the spacing between letters, words and lines.
Also add text effects.
3.7 Null Object mode
The null object can be very useful as a temporary pivot for an object or group of objects.
In the properties of the null object we can vary the way it looks, its color and its size.
A good example of its use is this tutorial by Alexander Kiryanov in which he shows how to use null objects to rotate a rolling box.
The box has a transformation effect Parent Object to null 1, the same thing happens between null 1 and null 2, etc…
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