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00 Starting tips

01- There are two scroll bars to help you navigate the Timeline:

  • The upper one allows you to change the current frame.

The lower one allows you to change a range of visible frames of the timeline.
Use the mouse wheel while hovering over the bottom scroll bar to scale the timeline.

02 – Changing values

You can change the values by clicking in the value box and moving the cursor sideways, or by clicking in the value box and using the keyboard to enter the values.

03- Adding Adding keyframes

To activate the recording of values, click on the record button next to the property name.

Keyframes are automatically added for properties with value registration enabled each time their value is changed.

04- Keyboard shortcuts for selected objects

G – Move
R – Rotate
S – Scale

05- You can limit the movement and scale by pressing:

X– Horizontal
Y– Vertical

06- You can use numerical values when transforming objects

To apply a transformation press ENTER or release the mouse.

To cancel press Esc or the right mouse button.

G – Move

R – Rotate

S – Scale

07- To apply a transformation press ENTER or release the mouse

To cancel press Esc or the right mouse button.04- Keyboard shortcuts for selected objects.

08- Every object has a pivot that can be moved to transform the object from its axis

09- You can group objects with Ctrl+G

10 – Layers are special group types. You should use them whenever you want the group to be rasterized before being drawn

A – Raster effects > Blur

B –  Promote to Layer

11- You can Duplicate objects with : Ctrl+D

12- Duplica Keyframes

Shift + D duplicate and move frame

Ctrl + D copy and paste in actual frame

13- Blend modes

Each object can be drawn on its parent layer using different compositing modes. You can select the composition mode in the combo box next to the object name.

14- Remember that objects are drawn on their first source layer, which means that layer groups do not influence the way objects are drawn

15- Alpha Mask

To create a simple alpha mask you need at least two objects, one of which will act as a mask.

You have to put both objects on a separate layer so that the mask does not influence the objects outside the layer.

16- Visibility range

You can use the visibility range to control the visibility of an object.

17- Graph Editor

You can use the graphical editor to control the interpolation of the frames.


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